Year One

Year One Status Update (2010-2011):

Throughout the first year of the project, Odessa College has made several advances in the expansion of access and quality of its distance learning programs. The table below lists the Year One Activity Objectives and their current status.



Convert 2 Science courses for online/hybrid delivery

  1. BIOL 2421 and BIOL 1322  developed; currently delivered via Blackboard during the Fall 2011 semester

Evaluation of course design in progress

Convert 6 EMSP courses to hybrid delivery

  1. EMSP 1501 and EMSP 1338 developed; delivered via Blackboard and Webex during the Fall 2011 semester
  2. EMSP 1356 in development; delivery scheduled for second half of the Fall 2011 semester
  3. EMSP 1355 in development; delivery scheduled for Spring 2012 semester
  4. EMSP 1160 and EMSP 1164: clinical/practical courses in development for hybrid delivery

Course design evaluated and modified as scheduled

Strengthening Institutional Infrastructure

  1. Blackboard Enterprise server purchased
  2. Wireless controller installed

Professional Development/Training for Faculty/Staff

  1. Ongoing 10 week Professional Development program to inform faculty of best pedagogical practices for online course development and delivery
  2. Respondus LockDown Browser™ training sessions delivered during OC Welcome Back Week
  3. BoldChat® web-based training facilitated by IT department

Develop and pilot assessment instrument to determine online course readiness

  1. Smarter Measure™ Learning Readiness Indicator: research in progress for possible implementation in Blackboard

Develop and test online registration, orientation, advising and assessment

  1. BoldChat® live chat software purchased;  currently piloted by the Wrangler Express Center (advising)
  2. Collaboration with Student Success Center to stream interactive student information sessions at beginning of Fall, 2011 semester (Orientation)
  3. WebAdvisor (Registration)
  4. Respondus LockDown Browser™ purchased; installed (assessment)
  5. Starfish EARLY ALERT™ student tracking system (retention) purchased, installed

Develop and equip patient clinical simulation labs at Pecos and Andrews outreach sites

  1. Equipment designated for Year 1 (Pecos Lab) purchased, installed, and implemented